When the bailout fails, you can always shoot dinner.

Hollywood does something to redheads

October 3rd, 2007 Posted in Uncategorized

The latest incident involves Donny Bonaduce and someone I never heard of, Jonny Fairplay.  The result was plus one for Donny, and minus a few (teeth) for Jonny.  All of this happened onstage at another awards show that nobody heard of, the FOX Reality Really Awards.  To be honest, I’ve never seen a full episode of ANY “reality” show, and I believe I’m a better person because of it.

Last week it was Carrot Top photos displaying his hyper-pumped physique, and makeup that could best be described as Kabuki meets Ru Paul.  I won’t post a link here, but Google it if you haven’t seen them yet.  Put any drinks down first for the sake of your keyboard.

Of course we have the continual meltdown of Linsdsay Lohan.

And previous to that was Nicole Kidman’s unexplainable marriage to Tom Cruise.  Tom, come out of the closet, you aren’t fooling anyone.

Shirley MacLaine. No explanation needed there.

Seth Green. He’s also gone crazy, but in a good way. Watch any episode of Robot Chicken.

I’m sure there are more we can add…

If you take others like Ron Howard, I have a theory that any actor that was filmed in black and white on TV or in the movies has immunity from whatever is affecting the rest of the flock.

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