If you don't like squirrel, there's always beaver.

Archive for the ‘thursday gun porn’ Category

Thursday Gun Porn XVI

Wednesday, February 6th, 2013 Posted in thursday gun porn | No Comments »

Three years? Can't say where I've been (I'd have to shoot you), but it's time for some new Thursday Gun Porn.  [gallery link="file" columns="2"] What do all of these have in common?  Just my way of saying I've been an ass for ...

Halloween Body Art

Saturday, October 31st, 2009 Posted in thursday gun porn | No Comments »

A bit late in the day, but here's some eye candy for a treat. [gallery]

Thursday Gun Porn XV

Thursday, October 8th, 2009 Posted in thursday gun porn | No Comments »

Yeah, yeah! It's been too long with too little. That sounds like my sex life. Here's two more... [gallery]

Thurdsay Gun Porn XIV

Thursday, June 18th, 2009 Posted in thursday gun porn | No Comments »

Missed a couple of weeks,  sorry.   Here's a few to keep you happy. [gallery link="file"]

Thursday Gun Porn XIII

Thursday, May 21st, 2009 Posted in thursday gun porn | No Comments »

Thursday.  Girls.  Guns.  You know the drill. [gallery link="file"]

Thursday Gun Porn XII

Thursday, May 14th, 2009 Posted in thursday gun porn | No Comments »

Thursday again! I really don't know why the week seemed so short.  I'll just blame it on the Large Haldron Collider.  They haven't been in the news for a bit, so I'd bet they're up to something no good.  Mucking ...

Thursday Gun Porn XI

Thursday, May 7th, 2009 Posted in thursday gun porn | No Comments »

That time of the week again. TGP has taken over the board for a bit, with little other content.  I'll be changing the recipe page soon, and adding new recipes for squirrel and other small game.  I'll also be adding my ...

Thursday Gun Porn X

Thursday, April 30th, 2009 Posted in thursday gun porn | 1 Comment »

Thursday again! Greeting to all the new viewers from Great Britain.  There was a link from the J-Server Project last week, and some new traffic from across the Atlantic came in.  So from all of us,  'ello, 'ello. 'ello.  And a reminder, we ...

Thursday Gun Porn IX

Thursday, April 23rd, 2009 Posted in thursday gun porn | No Comments »

[gallery link="file"]

Thursday Gun Porn VIII

Saturday, April 18th, 2009 Posted in thursday gun porn | No Comments »

...(on saturday) Two days late.   But in my defense, I had a busy week.  It would also be easier with some submitted pics.  So send what you've got.  Wife, GF, sister, daughter, mom (only if she's hot), buddies wife.... Don't worry if ...